Too Young To Be In Love
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Of course Hunx and his Punx are going to be pegged as a novelty act--a skinny young leatherino who stuffs beer cans in his crotch, backed up by a probably-lesbian all-girl backing band and playing trashy, semi-parody, ‘60s-style bubblegum ditties. The thing is, they’re only part novelty, and the rest of them is pure bad-ass rock n’ roll garage band. Hunx (nee Seth Bogart) obviously has a true reverence and passion for the style, and Too Young To Be In Love is 30 minutes of ecstatic, excellently crafted tunes driven by power chords, Tex-Mex organs, and the vocal (if anything but sexual) chemistry between Bogart and his snarling Punx. The album’s middle point, the one-two punch of the shuffling “If You’re Not Here” and the fist-pumping “Bad Boy,” left me with the biggest music-induced smile on my face I’ve had since I listened to Washed Out while chilling at a pool in Senegal. This is a fantastic pop album from beginning to end, with agreeable melodies, great two-minute songs, and lyrics anyone can associate with whether gay, straight, or bi. And if the whole queercore thing turns you off, remember Bogart’s only flaunting his gayness as much as that obnoxious bro Elvis used to flaunt his straightness.